Understanding Agency Liquor License Availability Based on Municipal Population in Maine

An agency license allows an off-premise retailer to sell spirits in Maine. Obtaining an agency license in Maine is a rare opportunity that can greatly benefit businesses in the hospitality industry. However, the availability of these licenses is limited and varies based on the population of the municipality in which the business is located. These limitations are intended to regulate the availability of liquor sales outlets and ensure that they are distributed appropriately across the state. Here's a breakdown of the number of agency liquor licenses available based on municipal population for municipalities of varying sizes:

  1. Population Over 60,000: Up to twelve agency liquor stores may be licensed in a municipality with a population over 60,000.

  2. Population Over 45,000 but Less Than 60,001: Up to eleven agency liquor stores may be licensed in a municipality with a population over 45,000 but less than 60,001.

  3. Population Over 30,000 but Less Than 45,001: Up to ten agency liquor stores may be licensed in a municipality with a population over 30,000 but less than 45,001.

  4. Population Over 20,000 but Less Than 30,001: Up to nine agency liquor stores may be licensed in a municipality with a population over 20,000 but less than 30,001.

  5. Population Over 15,000 but Less Than 20,001: Up to seven agency liquor stores may be licensed in a municipality with a population over 15,000 but less than 20,001.

  6. Population Over 10,000 but Less Than 15,001: Up to six agency liquor stores may be licensed in a municipality with a population over 10,000 but less than 15,001.

  7. Population of at Least 5,001 but Less Than 10,001: Up to four agency liquor stores may be licensed in a municipality with a population of at least 5,001 but less than 10,001.

  8. Population of at Least 2,000 but Less Than 5,001: Up to three agency liquor stores may be licensed in a municipality with a population of at least 2,000 but less than 5,001.

  9. Population Less Than 2,000: Only one agency liquor store may be licensed in a municipality with a population less than 2,000.

How many agency licenses are issued in your municipality? Use Maine’s license search tool to find out. Simply enter the municipality you are looking for then sort by license type (agency licenses all begin with “AGN”). Is your municipality full? There may be other options for additional license opportunities available, depending on the situation in your city or town. Regardless, you will want to send the Bureau a letter of interest to explore whether you will be permitted to apply. The help of an experienced counselor is essential in this process. By recognizing the rarity of these licenses and seeking professional guidance, businesses can maximize their chances of success in obtaining a license and opening this lucrative revenue stream.


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